When I logged in today I surprised myself by how long it has been since I had shared with you. Which is seriously not like me, most people who know me, know I am rarely, if ever quiet.
So in my defense, this is what has been hogging all of my internet trolling time lately...
So in my defense, this is what has been hogging all of my internet trolling time lately...
I really just haven't been able to help myself, the eye candy on Pinterest is just so much....well....FUN!
For the most part I enjoy looking on Pinterest for home decorating and craft ideas, but why just stop there? So 16 Boards later I have definitely spent way too much time in "Pin Play" as I like to call it.
It's like a bag of potato chips, you can't have just one.
Oh heaven's, I will even admit to you as I am writing this post I am clicking back and forth between here and Pinterest, and look what I found...
My darling double wide may never look like this, but...
Maybe some day it could have a look somewhat like this
stop by and visit sixtyfifthavenue it's awesome!
and then there are fun things like this...
Or I am determined to do this to my master bathroom door...
Maybe some day it could have a look somewhat like this
stop by and visit sixtyfifthavenue it's awesome!
and then there are fun things like this...
Be still my heart...those wash tub lights are fabulous!
Or I am determined to do this to my master bathroom door...
and I would definitely do this
I have several old windows hanging around in my house, so that would fit in nicely.
As we continue to spruce up our 25+ year-old double wide, I will definitely continue to browse thru Pinterest and the fun blogs I follow, or come across in the future for ideas and just pure enjoyment.
What fun ways do you search for inspiring ideas? Have you become a Pinterest junkie like me? I would love to hear so please do share.
and before I go, here is just a little update on my kitchen
I recently scored some beautiful engineered wood flooring (the snap and lock kind) from my nephew as he was renovating his house and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to re-purpose that flooring. Now for the best part, it was FREE (love that word) especially when keeping to a slim renovation budget.
Kitchen updates so far...
... and now with the new flooring
The jury is still out on that center table/island.
I found it at a yard sale, cleaned it up a little, and have been living with it before I refurbish it. It doesn't look like it in the picture but it's a little big so I may have to keep searching for the perfect fit. I am determined to have a center island someday.
Since I didn't have enough flooring to include the laundry room, my plans are to find a tile, the Allure peel and stick vinyl plank flooring is looking very promising, it is durable and budget friendly. I have used it in the entry way of our home and it's great. The blog below has a post on using it in an RV, which has my curiosity piqued for using it in our RV as well.
I will use a color similar in tones to the wood so that visually it will flow better to make the rooms feel bigger. It definitely warmed things up and since it is a floating floor much nicer to walk on than that boring old vinyl. So the transformation continues...
Who knew, the possibilities are endless.
I will use a color similar in tones to the wood so that visually it will flow better to make the rooms feel bigger. It definitely warmed things up and since it is a floating floor much nicer to walk on than that boring old vinyl. So the transformation continues...
Thanks for stopping by and paying me a visit to day, my wish for you is that you have a fabulously blessed day.